Baker Boy Tampa
German Bakery

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Enjoy freshly baked Bread everyday

About us

If you have traveled the world, especially Europe and here Germany, the country with the most diverse bread variations, you will miss the higher standards and taste of the baked goods from there. 
As a German myself I found that the bread here in the USA matches the lowest possible standards and are far from being healthy, even the so called "Artisan" bread. I have been on a quest for almost 2 decades not just to find German style bread ( there were a very few coming close to it and then disappeared again) but also a reliable source for it.
During Covid I found someone who was able to bake the bread to my specifications and to match the memory of my taste buds ! Lucke me ! So it was possible! 
You Win Some You Loose Some
I was able to not just enhoy the bread for myself but soon people came from all around to pick some up for themselves! 
That was a great start and we all enjoyed it ... as long as it lasted.
So my baker decided to go a different route with vegan hamburgers and a small burger place downtown, heard that place did close short lived and never heard from him again. So there was no great bread anymore.
And no, baking for myself is not an option. I already do too many things myself. I cannot add baking to it. I was tempted though.
On my mission to get that bread back to life I came to know someone who has a background in baking and was willing to help me bring it back to life. So here are with even more choices than before !
The bread is custom baked to order and frozen until needed. You just thaw it to room temperature, heat it up in the oven and enjoy your FRESHLY baked healthy bread opening the door to a healthier life style.
Our prices are based on the quality of ingredients used as well as the WEIGHT of our baked goods. Our signature grey bread comes at an average of 850 grams or 30oz. ! Other bakeries keep ingedients and weight opaque and guesswork. While the SIZE might appear the same as others that are cheaper, the crust and crumb, the flavor and density is completely different. Not Gangnam but German style. Enjoy the experience.


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+1 8134424416

4410 W Hillsborough Ave Suite P